About Terrie Taylor, B.A., D.O.
University Distinguished Professor, Tropical Medicine,
Department of Osteopathic Medical Specialties
Terrie Taylor’s battle against malaria, which she refers to as the “Voldemort of parasites,” has been waged since 1986. An internationally recognized scientist and physician, Terrie spends six months of the year in the African nation of Malawi, conducting malaria research and treating patients, the vast majority of whom are children. The Blantyre Malaria Project, established by Terrie and Malcolm Molyneux, has carried out outstanding research and patient care in the area of pediatric malaria, specifically cerebral malaria, a syndrome in which the brain is involved.
With the help of Dr. James E. Potchen (MSU Department of Radiology) and General Electric Healthcare, he first magnetic resonance imaging unit (MRI) in Malawi was brought to the hospital. The MRI has been invaluable for treating patients and conducting research. She and her team have saved countless lives. But there is more to learn.