Terrie Taylor's Research
Some recent papers — with many collaborators
School-based screening and treatment may reduce P. falciparum transmission
Central Nervous System Virus Infection in African Children with Cerebral Malaria
Comparison of CD8+ T Cell Accumulation in the Brain During Human and Murine Cerebral Malaria
Submicroscopic malaria infection is not associated with fever in cross-sectional studies in Malawi
Cerebral malaria is associated with differential cytoadherence to brain endothelial cells
Central Nervous System Virus Infection in African Children with Cerebral Malaria
Automated Detection of Malarial Retinopathy in Retinal Fundus Images obtained in Clinical Settings
CD8+ T cells target cerebrovasculature in children with cerebral malaria
Data for: Dose Finding Study of Pentoxifylline in Children With Cerebral Malaria
CD8+ T cells target cerebrovasculature in children with cerebral malaria
Neurovascular sequestration in paediatric P. falciparummalaria is visible clinically in the retina
Parasite histones mediate leak and coagulopathy in cerebral malaria
Neurodevelopmental Impairments 1 Year After Cerebral Malaria
Researchers at LSTM show that parasites from patients with cerebral malaria stick preferentially in their brains
Noninvasive measures of brain edema predict outcome in pediatric cerebral malaria.
Cerebrospinal fluid Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein-2 in pediatric cerebral malaria.
A targeted approach for routine viral load monitoring in Malawian adults on antiretroviral therapy.
Pathology-Based Research in Africa.
NIH Awards MSU Research $8.4 Million to Develop First Malaria Treatments
While the world waits for a vaccine against the ancient disease malaria, Terrie E. Taylor is working to save the lives of children who are currently afflicted by the deadliest form of the disease. Taylor, MSU University Distinguished Professor of internal medicine and an osteopathic physician, will use an $8.4 million grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health to build on her groundbreaking researchthat was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2015. Taylor and her team discovered children with cerebral malaria develop massively swollen brains that are forced out through the bottom of the skull and compress the brain stem. The pressure causes the children to stop breathing and die. Read more in MSU Today.
Terrie Taylor's Presentation at World Malaria Day
Terrie Taylor's talk, The Pathogenesis of Fatal Cerebral Malaria: A Few More Pieces of the Puzzle, described her work to characterize and treat this deadly complication among young children in Malawi. In this area of Africa, the burden of disease of malaria falls largely on children between the ages of one and three. Children who develop cerebral malaria experience seizures and often become comatose. Death is usually related to respiratory arrest, although the exact process that leads to death in these children has until recently been somewhat of a mystery. See the full presentation.
New malaria tool shows which kids at greatest risk
Researchers at Michigan State University have identified a test that can determine which children with uncomplicated malaria are more likely to develop cerebral malaria, a life-threatening form of the disease. Read more.
Uncovering how cerebral malaria damages the brain
Building on more than a quarter century of work in Malawi, work which includes the first systematic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies, Dr. Karl Seydel, a Michigan State University researcher and colleague of Dr. Taylor’s, is traveling to neighboring Zambia to help characterize patients who will undergo MRI scans on a stronger MRI machine. The comparisons between images from patients in Malawi and images from similar patients in Zambia will illuminate our understanding of how malaria damages the pediatric brain. Read more.
Taylor receives national honor for work with malaria in Malawi
For her years of dedicated work in Africa studying and treating malaria, Michigan State University's Terrie Taylor is being honored with a 2011 American Medical Association Foundation Excellence in Medicine Award. Read more.
Karl Seydel and colleague Terrie Taylor with a patient in Malawi, where MSU has been helping people with malaria for 28 years. Photo by Jim Peck.
Terrie Taylor's research
has been featured in
numerous publications.
To view a full list, click here.